Back with windows seven

Well it has been a while since i came on here to put pen to paper ,I think I can say nothing really has happened since last time except I have put windows seven on my PC  and I  have found out why I lost so much weight they tell me my thyroid gland is just boarder line ,I guess that’s better than being over the top but not sure what it all means to me .

I guess that the doctor is happy to let me get on with things as they would have given me some sort of treatment so good news I do have to tell them if I start to lose weight again I hope i don’t because I do not have anything that fits me every thing looks a little loose on me  my pants nearly go round my waist twice lol .

I am glad I have gone the way i have rather than going big it must be better for me to be thin than heavy especially with the probs i have with my joints , but the weight loss seems to have made my shoulders and hips hurt a lot more and the slightest knock and I’m sore and bruise very easy don’t know if that’s the thyroid thing or just the weight loss .

I can put up with the weight as it must be better for me but it has left me feeling week and i go light headed quite often now .

we shall see what happens .

On the work front they have introduced some new rules into the work place we used to be able to make a brew when we felt like it that has stopped we cant eat on the shop floor cant even have a piece of gum in our mouths or we get a strike as they call it three strikes and your out is the new motto so I now feel quite bad in the day as i used to have a nibble whenever i felt i needed it as if i get hungry i start to shake a little and feel drained ,no i am not a diabetic had lots of tests as that all though the same thing but no I’m ok my blood count is low they want me to have the old camera down my throat again i said no thanks because you say the same thing when i have it( very inflamed and you have lots of areas that are pitted) so why go through all that again just for them to tell me the same thing again .

IM still happy with our car runs very well in fact we went out last night only forty miles or so to Blackpool illuminations  we haven’t been in a few years but sad to say they have gone down  i mean they are not as nice as they were a few years ago I guess no one wants to spend the money on the light adverts so they are only putting up the old ones it took us about a hour to get through them it was a nice change but I have been used to driving a automatic and this car is manual so it got a bit boring changing gears start stop every couple of seconds ,When i first got a automatic i thought they were a lazy persons car but hey wish mine was auto now  never mind maybe nexed time i get one it will be.

I had a few problems this week our fire packed up the igniter for the flame stopped working and as it is very old i didn’t get the exact part but i did fit a new part with a them coupling while i was fitting it the fire now works ok as i can tell the difference in the mornings summer is going now so better to get the fire going now rather than later .We cant use the central heating as the boiler has also packed up the flame just doesn’t light when we turn on the heating problem something to do with the temp gauge i guess I will have to get a gas fitter in to take a look at that as i cant fathom out how to get to anything in the boiler side the fire is part of the boiler all one thing but it does split into two part s but i cant see where to dismantle the fire to take a look.

we decided to have a new fire in and a combination boiler fitted as they are much better and as our boiler is very old we have to have the heating on just to warm the water up so yes it is well out of date.

Well it’s that time again to go pick up Sheila from her Bingo only a couple of minutes away but i have to get there early so i can park outside  as loads of taxis park waiting for there fair so ill say adios until nexed time .

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3 Responses to Back with windows seven

  1. Angel eyes says:

    nice to read your words my friend im here sometimes too

  2. Beth says:

    Hey Mike! Good to hear from you again. I hope the doctor has given you meds for your thyroid problem.

  3. Joe says:

    Good to hear you\’re still kickin\’ my friend. I wish lost weight were a problem for me…it is not. It seems that health is like robbing Pete to pay Paul unless it\’s pefectly balanced…may you find this balance.

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